Ayurved is the system of traditional medicine in India. It is based on many centuries of experience in medical practice,handed down through generations. Composed of two samskrit words "Ayu" or life and "Veda" or knowledge. Ayurved is "science of life" and practice involves the care of physical, mental and spiritual wealth of human being.

The time honored, well tested ancient formulae of Ayurvedic medicines use natural herbs, minerals and even gems to cure disease and promote immunity and there are no deadly experiments on animals in laboratories.

In search of balance and harmony in the complicated personality of the human being, the practitioners of Ayurved look for the control and direction of "Vital breath of life" where the spirit, the body and mind are in harmony.

Thus Ayurved emphasize the psychology of emotional adjustment in conjunction with drugs, diet and other habits meant for healthy living.

Ayurved understands that health is a state of dynamic equilibrium and easiness between body, mind and environment.

The miracle of human body is that it has a natural healing intelligence capable of constantly rejuvinating itself. However, due to irregular lifestyle, digestive capacity reduces resulting into Ama, am indigested form of food, which results in various diseases.

In Ayurved, treatment consists of four basics, namely medicine or drug therapy, pancha (Five) karma(actions/systems), dietary regime and regulation of lifestyle and works in two fundamental ways

  1. The Preventive – aspect of treatment is further subdivided into
    1. Swastha vritta (personal hygiene) consists of
      1. Dinacharya (daily routine)
      2. Ritucharya ( Seasonal corrections)
      3. Sadacharya (appropriate behavior)
    2. Rasayna and vejikarma (Rejuvination and verification) and Yoga
  2. The Curative - aspect consist of three parts
    1. Antibiparimarjan (internal medicine) consisting samodhana (internal purification through pamchakarma)
    2. Samshodhana (curative action) internal medicine as use of pastes, tablets and ghee, oils
    3. Surgical treatment.